Educational Talent Search (ETS)
Upward Bound (UB)
Academic Programs
Upward Bound (UB) and Educational Talent Search (ETS) are both precollegiate programs designed to prepare youth for post-secondary education. UB & ETS provide academic tutoring, college visits, Financial aid assistance and more. In addition, UB students can also earn stipends of more than $350 a year.
Summer Component
UB offers a 6 week summer component held on a local college campus designed to prepare students for the upcoming school year, get real life college experience, visit prospective colleges, and participate in cultural and social activities.
ETS offers a 2-week non-residential summer component. Students will receive assistance in their core courses as well as college visits and cultural/social activities.
Bridge Program
For graduating seniors, UB offers a Bridge program in conjunction with a local College/ University where students can take between 3-6 credit hours of college courses before their freshman year in college. Courses are transferrable.